We are all so very blessed...
Often I find people complaining and talking in a not so well language about themselves, their situations, etc. Most people keep whining and groaning but yet do nothing to solve their problems.
I am sure that we would have all come across people who keep bitching about their work place, their peers, their bosses, their family members, their destiny and everything remotely connected with them but do nothing to get away from all these issues that they keep complaining.
It is often found that these people are not able to make any changes as any sensible person would want them to make. They are a victim of blind spots within them or internal programs running deep inside them without their even knowing about its existence !
Most people are behaving in this manner for no fault of theirs but, due to the manner which they have been brought up in life or their childhood experiences which goes on to build the belief systems in each one of them. It is increasingly difficult to get over behavioral patterns created as a result of events, situations or surrounding environment of our childhood.
Most of us create comfort zones even if we may dislike them but yet find ourselves not able to exert our own self to come out of these comfort zones that we have created for ourselves. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I have come across people who have created comfort zones for themselves even in pain !!
These are issues which cannot be addressed at the conscious level but need to be remedied deep inside the sub-conscious. And, as soon as the internal programs causing the reported issues of the client are deleted or replaced with the appropriate counter programming, the reported problems vanish and we have an entirely new person in the client who is rid of most off the negativity that he or she had accumulated since childhood and replaced with positivity leading to a positive approach to life's challenges by the individual.

For me, the change from a customer service engineer to a healer and Life coach has been very natural and in progressive manner. Earlier, I was attending to office automation and IT products and solving their issues by examining the internal circuit wiring and aligned motor activities. Today, I work with human beings resolving their issues by correcting their internal programs (which may be behaving as a malware and interfering with their original operating system) and hence bringing about the reported issues for which the client would have come to me. This could be in the form of performance or career related problems, parenting issues, relationship problems, physical illness, mental illness, etc.
As an engineer I am fascinated by how most of the problems get resolved by harmonizing the mind-body-soul connect. It makes me believe that "Ignorance is no longer a Bliss" in our days. Ignorance of subjects which we are never taught in any school leads to most of the problems in our life. Sadly, Life does not come with an operations manual. But ancient civilization had done lot of research work and left behind a lot of the wisdom accumulated by them over ages for us. Alas, we are not even aware of these - forget about implementing them to enrich our lives.

In my effort to reach out to many of those people who are stuck in various walks of life, I am coming out with online training and webinars (web based seminars) to give a better perspective as to where lies the solutions to life's most pressing and challenging issues in a simple lay man's language. These are deliberately kept as short lessons so that we don't get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and procrastinate and put off the learning. I have created a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/GetSuccessRecipes/.
Request, those who are on Facebook - please visit and LIKE the page for getting some really cool stuff regularly. I request your professional feedback on the contents so that together, we could make the lives of our fellow beings better and make this world a better place.
Thanking you for your attention,
Kind regards,
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